Friday, April 22, 2011

This is the day.

This is the day.
This is the day that changed everything. Not only did it change my little life, it changed the whole world forever.
This is the day that brings me to tears and yet causes me to dance.
This is the day that breaks my heart into a million pieces and yet somehow makes me whole.
This is the day that seemed to be about death and destruction,but brought life and restoration for eternity.
This is the day that humans thought they had control over, but proved forever that the Lord rules everything.
This is the day that makes my brain go in circles, and yet somehow makes everything clear to me.
This is the day that shows me again and again how undeserving I am of anything, of everything...and yet,
This is the day that Christ, the only man without sin, carried a cross up a hill willingly.
This is the day that my sins were taken to the Cross and left there.
This is the day that my Savior, my Lover, my God died for me.
This is the day that won my freedom.
This is the day.

And from this day, it only gets better.
Friday is here, but Sunday is coming.

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