Monday, March 26, 2012

Lighten my darkness.

If there is anything that I cannot fully comprehend, it does not even compare to my amazement at the Cross. The compassion of Christ on my soul is beyond my thoughts and words. Elisabeth Elliot speaks the words I cannot:

"The face of Jesus:
    marred more than any man--
    spit upon, 
    the beard plucked, 
    twisted in pain--
For my salvation.
A glorious face, now.
Let its light shine on me, O Light of Life.
Let Your radiance fall on me, Sun and Savior,
Lighten my darkness.
Then grant me this by Your grace:
That I, in turn, may give
'The light of the knowledge of the glory of God' (2 Cor 4:6 AV)
As I see it in the face of Jesus Christ."

May I continuously as for His radiance for my bit of light will never compare to His brilliance. 

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